
The journey ahead

Gyro is constantly evolving to offer more user-friendly, consistent, fun and rewarding ways for our community to earn through our Protocol.


Estimated Date


Alpha Build

February 2021


Pre-launch Campaign

March 2021


Future Options

April 2021


Beta Testing

July 2021



August 2021


Post-IDO Marketing Campaign

September 2021


Governance DAO

Q4 2021


Partnership Announcement

Q4 2021


v2 APY update

Q1 2022


Lending Phase 1

Q1 2022

Lending Phase 2

Q1-Q2 2022

Black Magic Integration

Q1 2022

Yaggr Integration

Q1 2022

v2 UI/UX update

Q1 2022


Adding multi-stablecoins

Q1 2022


Gamify Announcement

Q1-Q2 2022


Cross-chain Integration

Q1-Q2 2022


Last updated