How to Lock veGYRO

Creating veGYRO

Creating veGYRO

  • Obtain GYRO through bonding or purchase GYRO through a DEX (Pancakeswap).

  • Goto 'Vest' tab in dapp or click link

  • Click 'Create Lock'

  1. Click 'Approve' to continue

  2. Enter amount of GYRO to lock or click 'Max'

  3. Set number of weeks/months/years to be locked then click 'Create Lock'

veGYRO List TermsDefinitions

Token ID

Each ID is unique; allowing multiple batches of locks

Expiration Date

The date your lock expires

Voting Power

Voting Power based on amount locked and duration locked

Lock Amount

Amount of GYRO locked

Lock Rewards

Rewards earned from locking GYRO

  • When your lock expires, click on the 'Token ID' of the expired batch to unlock.

Rewards are distributed every 24 hours = 1 epoch

Last updated