OBSOLETE - Wrap / Unwrap gGYRO
governance GYRO
What is gGYRO? gGYRO stands for Governance GYRO. It is wrapped sGYRO with governance functionality and allows you to use sGYRO on different blockchains:
sGYRO increase in amount over time, while gGYRO increases in price.
You still collect rebase rewards just as if you had sGYRO, but you won't see your token balance increase because the increase in value is based on the Current Index at the time of purchase and sale.
When you unwrap your gGYRO tokens, you get back your original sGYRO plus any other sGYRO gained due to rebasing.
Wrapping / Unwrapping sGYRO
Click on the "Wrap / Unwrap" button in the ‘Wallet Balance’ section of the Dashboard.
For wrapping, choose from the drop-down list “sGYRO”. Enter the amount of sGYRO you want to wrap or click “Max”, and confirm the transaction.
You can also click the “arrow-down” to toggle between wrapping and unwrapping.
If this is your first time wrapping, you’ll need to approve the smart contract to use your token.
Last updated